In season our establishment is open regardless of the weather conditions.
Please note we are open DAILY
from 7-6 Central Time
Summer 2024
Just an FYI:
We accept ALL forms of payment (cash, check & credit cards)
( 3 % fee added to all credit card purchases & $10.00 min.)
Make sure you are at STATELINE BLUEBERRIES before you start to pick
The Lindley girls were on the hunt for the biggest berry and found these on JUNE 27, 2024. This is ONE MONTH ahead of normal. Those top 4 berries are sitting atop quarters! WOW! Impressive! Note: not all berries are this size.
This is our meat and potatoes .... or better yet..... the blueberries and cream of our picking season. If you want to know which berries we pick and how the season progresses, focus on this section.
It's a great day to be alive
Stateline Blueberries
Closed for the season

Again, THANK YOU to everyone who continues to support our farm. It's always fun chatting, and finding out what's up. I always wish I had more time to give. As for the new blueberry lovers who have been finding STATELINE BLUEBERRIES, thanks for seeing what we are all about. Friends and Family
We try to post pictures on FACEBOOK and encourage our patrons to do the same. We get busy and can't always grab the camera.
We can't stress enough that we close at 6 pm central time. This is not a suggested closing time. When you stay past closing it is hard on the whole family.
for understanding.
For the weather
you can always check the weather bug app
to the left of the page
Here is a quick update on the family:
Our eldest child is at the University of Minnesota for medical school and will graduate in 2025. Drake graduated from West Point Military Academy and will attend grad school at Purdue University in the fall. Owen continues to play D-1 hockey for PNW. He is majoring in business and marketing
It's a Berry Wonderful Blueberry season!
Make plans for next year/2025
to come to the ONE and ONLY
you won't be disappointed
Once you've found a place to park, proceed to our sales shed and say "Hello" to one of the wonderful staff in the shed. They will direct you to the best spot to pick. Feel free to use our buckets or bring your own. We do ask if you bring your pail, please allow us to weigh it so that we do not charge you for the weight of your bucket. Take as many buckets as you feel you will need. No charge to use the buckets. The buckets and ropes are provided for your convenience, please return all borrowed items when you are checking out. It is recommended that you bring your containers to transport your tasty treats home. This can be a box you had lying around your garage or another bucket from your home.....We do provide a couple of different-sized boxes at a minimal cost to you.
Important notes:
- Please have your money and containers with you when you check out. We DO NOT allow you to take your berries to the car before purchase.
- We accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards ( 3 % fee added to all credit card purchases)
Enjoy this brief video , the wonders of nature:
It's Time to plan to experience the best blueberries on any side of the STATELINE. The season will be here soon!
I am sure that some of you are even thinking you may only have one or two cups of berries left from last year. And those are as good as GOLD. Only something berry special will allow me to make those Stateline Blueberries.
Some of you, like myself, may have a box of jam berries in your freezer for the morning smoothie. Others may be cleaned out ( Reminder to self: Pick more berries in 2024.
Double the amount!)
How it all works
Get your POSTCARD to remind you when it is blueberry time
It will look similar to the one above
will have a tasty recipe on the back.
If you are not on our mailing list ... JOIN's FREE!
send us an e-mail with your mailing address or sign up at the farm
have the
in the AREA!